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OpenStack Juno : Configure Keystone#2
Add Users or Roles, Services and so on in Keystone.
[1] Load environment variables first.
Set value for "SERVICE_TOKEN" from the value "admin_token" in keystone.conf.
[root@dlp ~]#
export SERVICE_TOKEN=admintoken

[root@dlp ~]#

[2] Add Tenants ( like group ).
# add admin tenant

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone tenant-create --name admin --description "Admin Tenant" --enabled true

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |           Admin Tenant           |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | e8f6ac69de5f46afa189fcefd99c8a1a |
|     name    |              admin               |

# add service tenant

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone tenant-create --name service --description "Service Tenant" --enabled true

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |          Service Tenant          |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | 9e657ab1d2344de5aa9d86006732c7f0 |
|     name    |             service              |

# confirm settings

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone tenant-list

|                id                |   name  | enabled |
| e8f6ac69de5f46afa189fcefd99c8a1a |  admin  |   True  |
| 9e657ab1d2344de5aa9d86006732c7f0 | service |   True  |
[3] Add Roles.
# add admin role

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone role-create --name admin

| Property |              Value               |
|    id    | ce96cec74ac4441daeae2f2c266f75e6 |
|   name   |              admin               |

# add Member role

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone role-create --name Member

| Property |              Value               |
|    id    | 47b8e54a5177426bafb9de8b2b963b74 |
|   name   |              Member              |

# confirm settings

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone role-list

|                id                |  name  |
| 47b8e54a5177426bafb9de8b2b963b74 | Member |
| ce96cec74ac4441daeae2f2c266f75e6 | admin  |
[4] Add Users.
# add admin user (set in admin tenant)

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-create --tenant admin --name admin --pass adminpassword --enabled true

| Property |              Value               |
|  email   |                                  |
| enabled  |               True               |
|    id    | a527628886774ee08b7f2d54d602b5c4 |
|   name   |              admin               |
| tenantId | e8f6ac69de5f46afa189fcefd99c8a1a |
| username |              admin               |

# add admin user in admin role

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-role-add --user admin --tenant admin --role admin
# add glance user (set in service tenant)

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-create --tenant service --name glance --pass servicepassword --enabled true

| Property |              Value               |
|  email   |                                  |
| enabled  |               True               |
|    id    | af36762b54824d7d8009ebc25d3d8793 |
|   name   |              glance              |
| tenantId | 9e657ab1d2344de5aa9d86006732c7f0 |
| username |              glance              |

# add glance user in admin role

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-role-add --user glance --tenant service --role admin
# add nova user (set in service tenant)

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-create --tenant service --name nova --pass servicepassword --enabled true

| Property |              Value               |
|  email   |                                  |
| enabled  |               True               |
|    id    | 11a963a3fac34ac5bf39f8989a099d36 |
|   name   |               nova               |
| tenantId | 9e657ab1d2344de5aa9d86006732c7f0 |
| username |               nova               |

# add nova user in admin role

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-role-add --user nova --tenant service --role admin
# confirm settings

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone user-list

|                id                |  name  | enabled | email |
| a527628886774ee08b7f2d54d602b5c4 | admin  |   True  |       |
| af36762b54824d7d8009ebc25d3d8793 | glance |   True  |       |
| 11a963a3fac34ac5bf39f8989a099d36 |  nova  |   True  |       |
[5] Add entries for services.
# add for keystone

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone service-create --name=keystone --type=identity --description="Keystone Identity Service"

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |    Keystone Identity Service     |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | b558710dca124cba8c6948c1389fa910 |
|     name    |             keystone             |
|     type    |             identity             |

# add for glance

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone service-create --name=glance --type=image --description="Glance Image Service"

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |       Glance Image Service       |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | 50ad417b1246468aacad9386e28d539b |
|     name    |              glance              |
|     type    |              image               |

# add for nova

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone service-create --name=nova --type=compute --description="Nova Compute Service"

|   Property  |              Value               |
| description |       Nova Compute Service       |
|   enabled   |               True               |
|      id     | 1c8361d96a954b568f3171b2fb6e3992 |
|     name    |               nova               |
|     type    |             compute              |

# confirm settings

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone service-list

|                id                |   name   |   type   |        description        |
| 50ad417b1246468aacad9386e28d539b |  glance  |  image   |    Glance Image Service   |
| b558710dca124cba8c6948c1389fa910 | keystone | identity | Keystone Identity Service |
| 1c8361d96a954b568f3171b2fb6e3992 |   nova   | compute  |    Nova Compute Service   |
[6] Add Endpoints.
# define my host

[root@dlp ~]#
export my_host=
# add endpoint for keystone

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne \
--service keystone \
--publicurl "http://$my_host:\$(public_port)s/v2.0" \
--internalurl "http://$my_host:\$(public_port)s/v2.0" \
--adminurl "http://$my_host:\$(admin_port)s/v2.0"

|   Property  |                 Value                 |
|   adminurl  |$(admin_port)s/v2.0 |
|      id     |    a55d2a7992894a3fa886a46e72e95ecb   |
| internalurl |$(public_port)s/v2.0 |
|  publicurl  |$(public_port)s/v2.0 |
|    region   |               RegionOne               |
|  service_id |    b558710dca124cba8c6948c1389fa910   |

# add endpoint for glance

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne \
--service glance \
--publicurl "http://$my_host:9292/v1" \
--internalurl "http://$my_host:9292/v1" \
--adminurl "http://$my_host:9292/v1"

|   Property  |              Value               |
|   adminurl  |     |
|      id     | 59027c4f4a0f427d915afe7909a9a252 |
| internalurl |     |
|  publicurl  |     |
|    region   |            RegionOne             |
|  service_id | 50ad417b1246468aacad9386e28d539b |

# add endpoint for nova

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne \
--service nova \
--publicurl "http://$my_host:\$(compute_port)s/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" \
--internalurl "http://$my_host:\$(compute_port)s/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" \
--adminurl "http://$my_host:\$(compute_port)s/v2/\$(tenant_id)s"

|   Property  |                       Value                        |
|   adminurl  |$(compute_port)s/v2/$(tenant_id)s |
|      id     |          b42ae430e14d4d05882eb7ffa778490f          |
| internalurl |$(compute_port)s/v2/$(tenant_id)s |
|  publicurl  |$(compute_port)s/v2/$(tenant_id)s |
|    region   |                     RegionOne                      |
|  service_id |          1c8361d96a954b568f3171b2fb6e3992          |

# confirm settings

[root@dlp ~]#
keystone endpoint-list

|                id                |   region  |                     publicurl                      |
| 59027c4f4a0f427d915afe7909a9a252 | RegionOne |                  |
| a55d2a7992894a3fa886a46e72e95ecb | RegionOne |$(public_port)s/v2.0        |
| b42ae430e14d4d05882eb7ffa778490f | RegionOne |$(compute_port)s/v2/$(tenant_id)s |
|                    internalurl                     |                      adminurl                      |
|                  |                  |
|$(public_port)s/v2.0        |$(admin_port)s/v2.0        |
|$(compute_port)s/v2/$(tenant_id)s |$(compute_port)s/v2/$(tenant_id)s |
|            service_id            |
| 50ad417b1246468aacad9386e28d539b |
| b558710dca124cba8c6948c1389fa910 |
| 1c8361d96a954b568f3171b2fb6e3992 |